Physical activity during lockdowns can positively contribute to your child’s well being. OSPS and School Sport Victoria are delighted to announce the 2021 Virtual Cross Country initiative.
Students can run or walk for a new personal best or for fun and fitness. The main aim is for students to get out and give it a go.
Every metre run by a student will earn virtual points for their school. Students will be given the option to submit their performance, but if they wish they also now have the additional option to not have their performance made public.
Virtual points will be allocated to the student’s school which will be added to the school ranking ladder. Families are required to log there details and times using the SSV Cross Country link below. Feel free to use my email address found at the bottom of the page where necessary.
Students must gain parent permission when signing up and use a parent’s email.
The data collected is in accordance with the SSV Privacy Policy
For more information please click on the link found here –