About Us

Principal’s Message

I am proud to be the principal of Oakleigh South Primary School. I began my association with the school as a teacher at the former Beryl Street site in 1987. The enrolment then was 109 and I have seen the school grow to approximately 1050 students. In 2000, we orchestrated the move to the school’s present site – the former Huntingdale High School; a quiet area of Oakleigh South, with beautiful grounds nestled in between Metropolitan and Huntingdale Golf Courses.

We pride ourselves in offering all students a wide range of success orientated opportunities in a safe and caring environment. We value and encourage high academic achievement with a strong  focus on literacy and numeracy, as a basis for all further learning, followed by developing the whole child in the areas of music, visual arts, sport and sustainability.

Our programs are designed to cater for a diverse range of learning styles and student abilities with opportunities for support or enrichment at all levels. We utilise a range of information and communication technologies to enhance the learning program. Our modern learning centre allows for flexible teaching and learning programs. The school has a dedicated staff catering for all our students.

We continue to revise and develop our approach to student wellbeing to ensure all students are engaged and connected with the school. We promote the values of excellence, respect, integrity & working together and encourage our students to be persistent, trustworthy, tolerant and actively involved in their school.

Focusing on family/school partnerships and developing the school as a community hub is a priority. Our excellent facilities enable us to host many after school activities, community and weekend sporting events.

The challenge ahead is to provide for our growing school community in all areas of staffing, resources and facilities. We have excellent communication occurring with our regional and central offices to ensure this happens. Our workforce is an excellent mix of youth, experience and enthusiasm and we continue to attract the highest quality staff to Oakleigh South.

I trust you will enjoy your time with us and invite you to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Ron Cantlon




Students in Victorian schools learn traditional subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Languages and the Arts, as well as physical and social learning subjects such as Health & Physical Education and Civics & Citizenship. They also learn subjects like Communication and Information and Communications Technology (ICT), which are applied across the other subject areas.

For further information on curriculum and assessment and an outline of the guiding principles behind the teaching and learning programs, see below:

Victorian Curriculum

Victorian Curriculum – a set of guidelines that outlines what is essential for all students to learn from Foundation to Year 10. It provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of common achievement standards which schools use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents

National Assessment Program

Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) – a nationwide test that assesses the skills of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy.



Our full size school hall allows us to hold all of our musical productions, as well as school assemblies and other special functions.

Basketball, Netball, Bat Tennis and Tennis Courts

Funds raised from school fetes have been used to resurface our asphalt netball/basketball courts and lay synthetic grass. There are 5 netball/basketball courts, 5 bat tennis courts and 2 tennis courts.

Junior Playground

The junior synthetic turf playground at the rear of the school and provides a secure fenced area for children in Prep-2.


We have grassed areas for a football field, soccer pitch and two t-ball diamonds. Groups like AusKick, local cricket clubs, Softball Victoria and the Victorian Primary School’s Sports Association, make use of our extensive grassed areas.

Sustainable Village

Creating a sustainable environment and the development of sustainable practices is important at Oakleigh South. We won the Proud Schools Award for work in educating and reducing the environmental impact of student and community activities through youth initiatives.

Specialist Classrooms

We are very proud to offer specialist classrooms for all subject areas, many purpose built to hold double classes in visual arts, junior & senior performing arts, robotics, science and Japanese. Physical Education and Sport is conduted outside all eyar round, in inclement weather in the undercover court area.


In 1957 there was a need to build new schools in the area, due to an extraordinary growth of population and housing. The only school in the area was Clarinda Primary School.

During 1957 the Education Department commenced negotiations with the Baker family, market gardeners of Baker’s Road in South Oakleigh, to purchase their property to establish South Oakleigh State School on a site approximately 300 yards west of its present location.

The area bounded by Golf Road, Beryl Avenue and Baker’s Road became Oakleigh South Primary State School No. 4823 was registered on 7th July 1958. The original eleven classrooms were completed in September and the school was officially opened on 30th September 1958.

The school began with 330 pupils. Mr James Baines was the first Temporary Head Teacher and had a staff of eight teachers.

In 1961 two new classrooms were added and a canteen was built in 1965. Building of the library commenced in 1969. The library was dedicated to a long serving Principal, Mr. W. F. Maher. The original library was extended and refurbished to make a school hall in 1994.

A loyal band of staff and committed local community have helped build this school to what it is today.

The introduction of a Maths Invaders computer program and daily comprehension in all classes, strengthened a strong emphasis in the curriculum areas of Maths and English.

Daily fitness programs and increasing both participation in and developing excellence in sport, fostered by dedicated staff, played a huge role in our school philosophy.

Music became a curriculum area which we have built a fine reputation over the years. Musical productions in Years 2, 4 and 6 have allowed children the opportunity to showcase their talents.

Parent, staff and community worked together to accommodate growing enrolments. Additional rooms were constructed for art, music, computer and the Out of School Hours Care program.

In 1997 South Oakleigh Secondary College submitted plans merge the junior school with the senior school on their Baker’s Road site. This created an opportunity for Oakleigh South Primary School to begin negotiations with the local council and education department to move from the site in Beryl Avenue to the South Oakleigh Secondary College Farm Road site.

Perseverance and commitment paid off with permission to relocate and a grant of $2 million plus to refurbish the site.

Sustainability became a key focus area across the school. The creation of the year 3 “Village” is a highlight to students in this year level. The staff and children raise and look after animals, grow and tend to plants and produce and participate in a cooking program. Emerged in learning outcomes linked with life cycles, recycling, waste management and taking care of the environment.

Over the next decade additions included the BER building, portables and several speicalist classrooms such as performing arts, visual arts, robotics room and Japanese rooms. The Robotics room was named after the current principal: Ron Canlton Digital Technologies Room.

OSPS School Council has named the rose garden, the school hall and the library after three special people whose lives were cut short whilst actively volunteering or working at our school.

In 1990 “Judy Cree Memorial Rose Garden”, in honour of long time parent volunteer Judy Cree.
In 2003 “Barbra Johnson Memorial Hall”, in honour of long time Assistant Principal Barbara Johnson.
In 2016 “Yami Logan Memorial Library”, in honour of our librarian Yami Logan
In 2019 “Ron Cantlon Digitial Technologies Lab”, in honour of longstanding principal Ron Cantlon

More information on Judy, Barbara and Yami


We have named the rose garden, the school hall and the library after three special people whose lives were cut short whilst actively volunteering or working at our school.


‘The Judy Cree Rose Garden’

The magnificent avenue of roses at the old site in Beryl Avenue was established by and named after Judy Cree a long time parent and volunteer in the 1980s and early 1990s. With our move to the new site in 2001 the rose bushes were carefully removed and transplanted to the area in front of the office.

A strong and impressive parent leader Judy was able to get parents together to work for the good of the school.  She worked tirelessly with her husband David on beautifying the school grounds – not only its gardens but by using her artistic flair to create wonderful murals with the children. The huge mural she created with the year 5 and 6 students along the wall of the old library was spectacular.

Judy was school council president for a number of years and took an active role in fundraising. She played a pivotal role in setting up a highly successful weekly clubs program throughout the school – bringing in parents with skills in pottery, cooking and propagating to name a few . Ron Cantlon was the grade 5 teacher at that time! Ron and Judy instigated the muffin program – with Judy and other parents making muffins with his class on a weekly basis and selling them throughout the school to raise funds for much needed books.

Many of you will be familiar with the art work at the Oakleigh Station – the wooden cut outs of a variety of people in and around the Oakleigh area. Judy was part of the art group responsible for these.

Judy’s sudden passing was an unexpected shock for her family and the school community. Judy is pictured to the left.

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‘ The Barbara Johnson Memorial Hall’

First and foremost Barbara Johnson was the school’s long standing librarian over a period of 15 years. These were the days when there were formal library lessons and borrowing using the old card system. This was her primary role – to be shared with Julie Kearney upon her arrival in 1989, when under the direction of the then principal Michael Brown, they took on the roles or art, library and computer lessons throughout the whole school – 160 students ! Ron Cantlon was the year 5 teacher at the time becoming acting principal for increasingly longer periods until 1993 when he was appointed principal. Barb became Ron’s right hand assistant.

Barbara was integral to the day to day organisation and operation of the school. With exceptional organisational skills her responsibilities included that of daily organiser – managing : staff absences and replacements, overseeing the disability and impairment program and the school newsletter. Barbara wrote all the major documents required at the time – the annual reports, triennial reviews, competition submissions and, as long standing secretary of school council, she dealt with all the correspondence in and out of the school.

Barbara was the organiser of the first ever school fete in 1993. Known as the May Day Gala Day   – complete with May Day pole, ribbons and dancing. The fetes in Barb’s time had a village feel and a wonderful team of parents who became known as Barb’s Army. The profit from that first fete was $10 000 . With an enrolment in 1993 of approx. 170 students the profit margin is similar to what we make today.

Barb played an integral part of the planning and development of our new school site here at Riley Street. Her pleasure cut short with the diagnosis of a terminal illness in late 2000. She was only able to enjoy her new office at the new site for 2 years, where with support, she was able to continue to work even in failing health

Barbara Johnson passed away in May 2003 with her family as well as Ron and Julie by her side. Next to her family, O.S.P.S was her life. 


YAMI LOGAN                  

‘The Yami Logan Memorial Library’

With us for a relatively short time, but making an impact nonetheless, was our much loved teacher aide Yami Logan. Starting out as a parent volunteer in 2007 when her two daughters started at Oakleigh South Yami went on to become librarian.

Yami’s warm, engaging personality, love of books and children endeared her to us all. She loved to spend time in bookshops and online to purchase value for money titles. Book Week and Science Week were her favourite times of year.

Yami managed the library captains and parent volunteers with ease as they helped her catalogue, borrow and return books for the school population of close to one thousand students.

Yami shared her passion for food and cooking with the staff. Asian food topped her list. Yami’s pigeon hole, provided for official purposes only, was full of food, a cupboard in her office was full of food and the many bags she carried around were full of food for eating herself, feeding others or re supplying her food stores.

Yami was diagnosed with breast cancer, successfully treated and happily in remission and back at work for five plus years before it returned.  Her love of the school and her school ‘ family’ saw her continue to come to work even through the last stages of her illness. Yami’s courage and positive outlook touched us all. She passed away in 2016 just a few days after what was to be her final day ‘working’ in the library.

Yami 5 (3)

In 2010 the BER building was built containing 6 classrooms and for the next few years, over a dozen portables were built to cater for the increase in student enrolments. 

In 2012 when the myschools website was launched and publicly displayed all the NAPLAN results of Victiran schools, OSPS was naturally one of the highest performing schools in the state. At that time had an enrolment of apx 700 students. The following year the prep intake was 10 classes and allowed the school enrolments to be capped at an intake of 7 prep grades per year, culminating in a stable enrolment of apx 1050.

Annually, OSPS achieves high NAPLAN results and is recognised as a top 10 school in Victoria, hosts a major Fete fundraiser, holds year 2, 4 and 6 productions and has an active parent group who provide wonderful events and speical days for the school community.

In 2024 a refurbishment totalling 10m was completed on the externals of the main building, internals of the administration and year 6 wing and the addition of a new science/sustainability room at the back of the hall. The year 3 sustainable Village was rebuilt to include modern hydropinics and aquaponics.


In 2020 the global COVID-19 pandemic closed the school to face to face learning and over 6 months of the school year was facilitated via remote and flexible learning. OSPS stepped up to the challenge and students used Google Classroom and a range of online programs such as Essential Assessments, AR, myON, Reading Eggs and Mathletics to support the at home learning.

House System

Oakleigh South Primary School has a comprehensive house system in place. Students belong to one of four houses whose names are derived from famous Australian sporting icons: Cuthbert, Fraser, Gould and Landy. Siblings will be placed in the same house.

Students are able to gain points for their house for achievements within the classroom and school environment which are recorded in each classroom. House points are also awarded at House Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. The house points are collected weekly by the house captains and winners announced at assembly.

The overall winning house is announced at the final assembly of the school year and awarded a place on the perpetual house trophy.

Gould | Red

Shane Gould

Shane Gould, MBE is one of the greatest female swimmers Australia has produced and took the swimming world by storm at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Gould won 3 gold medals at the 1972 Olympics and held the world record in all the 100m freestyle, 200m freestyle and 200m individual medley.

She is the only person, male or female, to hold every world freestyle record from 100m to 1500m and the 200-metre individual medley world record simultaneously, which she did from 12 December 1971 to 1 September 1972.

Born in Sydney in 1956, she moved to Fiji until the age of 18 months. By age six she was a capable swimmer. She returned to Brisbane Australia and attended St Peters Lutheran College. Shane Gould secondary education was at Turramurra High School in Sydney. She was coached by Forbes and Ursula Carlile and their assistant Tom Green, and won all her world swimming titles while a teenager, travelling widely.

Shane Gould retired after a whirlwind career at the age of 17. She maintained a private profile for a number of

years but re-emerged in the public eye with her competing at masters level.

Cuthbert | Yellow

Betty Cuthbert

Elizabeth “Betty” Cuthbert AM MBE was born on 20th April 1938 in Merrylands, New South Wales and went on to become one of Australia’s greatest athletes and is a four time Olympic champion. She was inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame in 1985.

Betty held the world records in the 440 yards, 220 yards and 100 metre sprint events. She also won Gold at the 1958 Cardiff Commonwealth Games in the 220 yards and Silver at the 1962 Perth Commonwealth Games in the 4x 110yards relay race.

Cuthbert had a distinctive running style, with a high knee lift and mouth wide open. During her career she broke world records for 60 metres, 100 yards, 200 metres, 220 yards and 440 yards.

Cuthbert was one of the Olympic Torch Bearers at the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympics and was inducted into the IAAF Hall of Fame in 2012.

Betty won three Gold Medals in the 1956 Melbourne Summer Olympics for the 100 metres and 200 metres races, and the 4x 100 metre relay race. Betty also won Gold at the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics for the 400m race.

She is the only Olympian, male or female, to win a gold medal in all three sprint events of 100 metres, 200 metres and 400 metres.

Landy | Blue

John Landy

John Landy, AC CVO MBE, is a famous middle distance runner that competed for in 1500 metre and mile distances in 1950s at both Olympic and Commonwealth games.  John Landy was born in Melbourne on 12th April, 1930.

In 1954 he was expected to be the first person to run a sub-four-minute-mile. He was beaten to it by Roger Bannister but did become the second person a few weeks later, beating Bannister’s time and holding the World Record for the next three years.

John Landy will also be fondly remembered for showing exceptional sportsmanship when he stopped mid race to help Ron Clarke after the two had clipped heels and Clarke had fallen. Landy managed to win the race making up the enormous ground lost helping his fellow Australian athlete.

He has held many positions with the Commonwealth and State Governments relating to Agriculture, the Environment and Sport. He was Governor of Victoria on 1 January 2001 until March 2006.

Fraser | Green

Dawn Fraser

Dawn Fraser was born on the 4th September 1937 in Balmain, Sydney. She was an Australian champion swimmer and politician and she is one of only two swimmers to win the same Olympic event three times – in her case the 100m freestyle.

Fraser was spotted by swimming Coach Harry Gallagher when she was swimming at local sea baths at the young age of 14yrs old.

In her career, she won eight Olympic medals, including four Gold medals, and six Commonwealth Games Gold medals. She also held 39 records. The 100m freestyle record was hers for 15 years from 1st December 1956 to 8th January 1972.

In October 1962, she became the first woman to swim 100m freestyle in less than one minute. It wasn’t until 1973, eight years after Fraser retired, that her 100m record of 58.9 seconds was broken.

Within Australia, she is also known for her controversial behaviour and larrikin character as much as for her athletic ability.

Motto & Values



At OSPS it is expected that all students can and will learn. We believe education is about the whole child – we aim to devise programs which develop their intellectual, emotional, social, creative and physical capabilities.

The school provides opportunities for students to:

  • develop appropriate skills in all curriculum areas with particular emphasis on English and Mathematics
  • acquire critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making skills
  • develop social skills to become positive responsible members of a community
  • develop initiative, confidence and an inquiring mind
  • grow in self confidence and self-esteem
  • develop self-responsibility

We aim that students, teachers, parents and the community work together to achieve common goals, hence our motto



The OSPS Values can be seen displayed around the whole school, Excellence (red), Respect (yellow), Working Together (green), Integrity (blue), Resilience (purple). We pride ourselves on the behaviour and academic expectations we set for our students.


  • Strive to achieve your personal best.
  • Be persistent in everything you do – never give up.


  • Treat people with tolerance, acceptance, understanding and respect.
  • Show appreciation of, and care for the school environment.


  • Actively contribute to your school.
  • Learn from each other.


  • Be trustworthy and honest with each other.
  • Take and accept responsibility for your own actions.


  • Dealing with ups and downs and still holding your head up.
  • The capacity to cope with change and bounce back during difficult times.

Parking Areas

With around 1000 students attending OSPS and 3 sides of the grounds surrounded by a strip of residents and 2 golf courses, no wonder it is extremely busy at drop off and pick up time. Below is some information regarding parking options around the school.

Parents are NOT to use the staff car park, or the disabled parks, regardless of the time of day. It is NOT to be used as a quick drop off or collection point. This includes after choir on a Wednesday.

Parent Car Park

Approximately 150 spaces

Access from Riley Street, all day parking

Note the entrance gate and exit gate

Note the turn left only sign on the exit gate

Street Parking 2 min drop off zone

During drop off and pick up times

8.30am – 9.30am

3.00pm – 4.00pm

Note: Monash Council does book cars parked for longer than 2 minutes

Street Parking

There is plenty of street parking at a short walk outside of the drop off and pick up times

Windsor Avenue Lane way

Why not park in Windsor Ave and walk up the laneway?