OSPS Footy Day is on the last day of term. We look forward to seeing everyone dressed up in their favourite team’s colours. It doesn’t have to be AFL, it can be any sport you like! We are raising money for the Children’s Tumour Foundation and are asking for donations. This year, we are doing our second annual longest coin line competition. Classes are trying to make the longest coin line with prizes on offer so start bringing those coins in the last week! Last year we had a class do 21 metres! Can anyone beat that?

Parents are encouraged to attend our Footy Day Parade which will be on the junior oval. Prep-Year 2: session 1, Year 3-6: session 2. The longest kick competition might look a little different this year so keep your eyes peeled! 

Thanks to Parent Group who are providing hot dogs at lunchtime. The hot dogs are $5 each. There will also be a plant-based option available for purchase along with a variety of juice boxes for $2. Great value! 

It should be an awesome day! See you there!