The OSPS bookfair is back! Tuesday 3rd September through to Thursday 5th September. The books and goods will be on display in the school library. Students will have the opportunity to visit the library with their class and write a wish list of books they might like to purchase.

Parents can then go online to or you can scan the QR code on the pamphlet your child will be given to bring home. Once you have paid, complete the Payment Form on the pamphlet and record your receipt number, amount paid, your child’s name and class and the name of the book/books you are purchasing by 4pm Thursday 5th September.

Return the form to school and the books will be supplied from the display in the library and delivered to your child’s classroom. Should we run out of the books you have chosen, we can reorder them online and they will be sent to our school and then delivered to your child.

The children really enjoy our book fair and we look forward to your support!

Please check out the facebook post for all the images: