Oakleigh South Primary School
30th August, 2024
“Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” – Unknown
Issue 27 – 30th August 2024
Monday 2nd September
– Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 3rd September
– Book Fair
Wednesday 4th September
– Book Fair
Thursday 5th September
– Book Fair
– Bentleigh District Athletics
Monday 9th September
– Year 1 Scienceworks Excursion
Tuesday 10th September
– Year 2 LegoLand Excursion
Thursday 12th September
– R U OK? Day
Monday 16th September
– Year 6 Production Week Begins
Over the past week we have had two guest authors Adam Wallace and Elle Likopoulos who delivered a wonderful and sometime humorous presentation about their work and books. Check out the OSPS Facebook page, Compass and newsletter for further information on how to purchase Adam and Ellie’s books.
The annual Father’s and Special Person stall held by Parent Group was a hit, many students taking the opportunity to purchase goodies for their dads or special people in their lives. Huge thanks to Parent Group as always for organising, setting up, running the stall and packing up.
A reminder Monday, 2nd September is a Curriculum Day, no students at school on this day, staff are undertaking professional development of the new Victorian Curriculum 2.0 – Numeracy that is due to be rolled out in 2025.
The OSPS Book Fair will run for 3 days from Tue – Thu next week in the library! Students will have the opportunity to come and view the books on a rostered session during school time and write a wish list to take home. Parents then order online, fill in the order form and attach the receipt and return to school. Orders will be filled and sent home with students as soon as available.
Next Thursday is also the Bentleigh District Athletics carnival, the OSPS District team has been busy practicing for their track and field events.
Have a lovely weekend, it is sports finals time for many winter sports, all the best if you or your child is competing!
Nikki Virtuoso
Acting Principal
The Year 6 students have been rehearsing extremely hard this year for our amazing production of Frozen!
The performances will be on the following dates and times in the school hall.
- Monday 7pm 16th September – Silver Cast (Choir Aqua Cast)
- Tuesday 7pm 17th September – Silver Cast (Choir Aqua Cast)
- Wednesday 4pm 18th September – Aqua Cast (Choir Silver Cast) *** Note Matinee time of 4pm
- Thursday 7pm 19th September – Aqua Cast (Choir Silver Cast)
Tickets are now on sale to the whole school community.
The event titled OSPS Year 6 Production “Frozen Jr” can be found at this link: https://www.trybooking.com/CULOD
Hope to see you there.
We are excited to announce that our school has invested in a new wellbeing resource to support the mental health and overall wellness of our students and their families. SchoolTV is designed to provide our parents and caregivers with the tools, strategies and community connections they need to foster their child’s social-emotional development and address any mental health concerns at home. Through educational workshops, access to mental health professional and connections to local resources, we aim to empower our families and equip them with proactive approaches to supporting student wellbeing and preventative measures.
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource implemented at our school to help support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting relating to youth mental health and wellbeing. Parenting is a learning journey and SchoolTV supports families by providing credible information from trusted sources with practical strategies to help alleviate some of the challenges being faced by young people today.
Watch video interviews with leading wellbeing specialists and browse a library of resources. Each topic is accompanied by factsheets, podcasts, books, articles, apps and other videos.
This award-winning resource helps families build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It will assist you in starting those conversations on topics that can sometimes be awkward or difficult to tackle.
Parents and caregivers are the greatest influence on a young person’s life and SchoolTV focuses on empowering confident parenting.
Explore SchoolTV today! Click on the link below:
Bullying is an ongoing or repeated misuse of power in relationships, with the intention to cause deliberate psychological harm. Bullying behaviours can be verbal, physical or social. It can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious or hidden. Bullying in any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.
Despite the efforts made to reduce bullying behaviours, the research tells us that one in four students still report being bullied every few weeks. However, not all negative behaviour should be considered bullying. The key difference is that bullying does not stop on its own. It’s important young people learn how to identify behaviours that are rude, behaviours that are mean, and behaviours that are related to bullying.
Often the reasons for bullying can be complex. Some young people do it to get approval from others, some do it to regain control, whilst others may do it because it makes them feel safe. Supporting young people as they work through their emotions will help them unpack the motivation and reason behind the behaviour.
In this edition of SchoolTV, caregivers can better understand why some young people engage in bullying behaviours and what to do to support a child experiencing it.
Here is the link: https://oakleighsouthps.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/bullying
In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.
The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks. The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.
Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:
- Complete enrolment: If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025 or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School.
- Check your contact information: Ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us. You can check this information by contacting us directly.
We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:
- in October, to verify your email address
- in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.
Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.
Please follow the link for more information.
Last week for Book Week, we were fortunate to have the talented author Adam Wallace visit our school. The students thoroughly enjoyed his engaging presentation and were inspired by his stories and creative cartoon designs.
If you would like to purchase some of his books, the order link can be found on this flyer or please visit Lamont Authors and select “Buy our Author’s Books.”
The OSPS Book Fair is back! The Book Fair will run from Tuesday, 3rd September to Thursday, 5th September, with books on display in the school library. Your children will have the opportunity to visit the library with their class and write a wish list of books they might like to purchase. Photos of the books will be available to view on our school Facebook page.
Once you have decided which books you want to purchase, please go online to scholastic.com.au/payment or you can scan the QR code on the pamphlet your child will bring home. After payment, complete the Payment Form on the pamphlet and record your receipt number, the amount paid, your child’s name and class, and the name of the book(s) you are purchasing. Return the form to school, and the books will be supplied from the display in the library and delivered to your child’s classroom.
If we run out of the books you have chosen, I can reorder them online, and they will be sent to our school and then delivered to your child. It is very important that the proof of payment is sent back to school by Thursday, 5th September, and all the details on the ‘Pre-Payment’ form are correct.
Please remember this is a Book Fair, not a Book Club.
The children really enjoy our Book Fair, and we look forward to your support.
Thank you to our families and friends who continue to visit the Return It centres to deposit their containers and donate to OSPS. We can see the donations come in and doesn’t matter how small a contribution, it is always appreciated!
You can return containers the following 3 ways!
@ Oakleigh South Primary School Purple Bins at the Year 3 Village
@ Oakleigh Depot (37-41 Oxford St, Oakleigh) in the OSPS bin onsite
@ Any Return-It Depot or Kiosk and Donate to OSPS by using the Bar Code attached
All students who bring in containers to school receive house points! Bring in your 10c recyclable containers!
Polina – 4LW Excellence For her wonderful Olympic information report. |
Aarav – 4LW Excellence For his awesome animal adaptation report. Well done, Aarav! |
Serena – 4LD Excellence For always striving to complete all tasks to the best of her ability. You are a superstar! |
Ross – 4LD Respect For always being respectful and helpful to students in class who are struggling. Keep it up Ross! |
Asher – 4AS Excellence For demonstrating excellence across all areas of the curriculum & working hard to achieve his goals. |
Saina – 4AS Working Together For her exceptional ability to collaborate and work effectively with her classmates. |
Akira – 4AS Respect For always treating both her peers & teachers with respect & for being a wonderful classroom helper. |
Yi Heng – 4AS Excellence For consistently completing his work to a high standard and always demonstrating our school values. |
Eira – 4CR Respect For always being respectful and acting on advice positively and promptly. You are a star, Eira! |
Peter – 4CR Excellence For always contributing enthusiastically to all class and group discussions. Keep it up, Peter! |
Rhiyaa – 4CG Excellence For producing brilliant work in every task, resulting in her receiving her pen licence. Great job! |
Ryan – 4CG Excellence For contributing valuable insights and questions during all guided reading sessions. Good job! |
Aaron – 4CG Excellence For showing outstanding number knowledge during our problem-solving activities. Awesome work Aaron! |
Bella – 4WW Respect For always treating everyone around her with kindness and respect. You are a gem! |
Lily – 4WW Excellence For your insightful and thoughtful comments during class discussions. Awesome work, Lily! |
Mayukh – 5LG Excellence For achieving a standard of excellence in everything and always being willing to help others. |
Catherine – 5LG Excellence For putting 100% effort into all class tasks and producing exceptional work, at all times. |
Alex – 5LG Excellence For putting incredible time and effort into his Olympic flag design and showing amazing creativity. |
Jivraj – 5DR Respect For always showing understanding, empathy and kindness to those around him. You’re a star, Jivy! 🙂 |
Tilda – 5DR Working Together For being an excellent role model and inclusive classmate who lifts others up! 🙂 |
Nathan – 5MM Integrity For consistently displaying a mature, respectful & positive attitude. You’re a great role model Nath! |
Teresa – 5MM Respect For always acting in a respectful manner towards her teachers and classmates. You’re a star Teresa! |
Eric – 5MM Excellence For always negotiating amazing AR targets, pushing himself academically and achieving excellent results. |
Samara – 5MM Excellence For confidently presenting her Google Slideshow on ‘Amazing Japan’ to the class. Ace Job Samara! |
Aayan – 5KP Resilience For showing persistence with his learning and asking for assistance when he needs it. Keep it up! |
Daphne – 5KP Excellence For showing confidence and poise during her oral presentation to the class about Cypriot Culture. |
Andy – 5KP Excellence For trying his best during reading and spelling sessions and showing improvement with his writing. |
Albert – 5KP Working Together For always willing to assist in the classroom – being a very reliable computer monitor recently. |
Prayaan – 5PG Working Together For consistently supporting teachers and classmates with a helpful attitude. |
Nabeeah – 5PG Excellence For being productive in class and showing a positive attitude toward learning. |
Eddie – 5EW Excellence For a very well researched and engaging class presentation on the Olympics. |
Olivia – 5EW Excellence For her incredibly creative and engaging class presentation on the Olympics. |
Charlotte – 5EW Working Together For co-creating a fantastic maths project on area and perimeter. |
Tigy – 5EW Excellence For working hard to reach her learning targets in mathematics. |
Yen Zac – 6NM Excellence For delivering a high standard of writing, inspiring others along the way. |
Sienna – 6NM Resilience For an increased effort during class time. Keep staying focused Sienna! |
Aadhini – 6CM Integrity For being a responsible and reliable member of 6CM. We can always count on you, Aadhini! |
Shreya – 6CM Excellence For her continual enthusiasm and dedication during production rehearsals as ‘Young Anna’! |
Ilias – 6CM Excellence For always completing all weekly homework by keeping consistent homework routines. |
Max – 6CM Working Together For his enthusiastic contributions to his Year 6 Business Expo team. Great work! |
Theodore – 6SM Working Together For displaying fantastic sportsmanship at House Athletics and congratulating fellow competitors. |
Zack – 6SM Excellence For consistently completing his homework and carrying out his classroom job reliably. Awesome Zack! |
Gabriella – 6SM Respect For being a ray of sunshine in our classroom, always willing to lend a hand. Thank you Gabby! |
Brooke – 6SC Excellence For the wonderful drawing you submitted into the Book Week- Book Cover Design Competition! |
Ibrahim – 6SC Working Together For the effort that you have put into your time on stage, during the Yr 6 production practices! |
Evelina – 6SC Working Together For your great efforts on stage in the Yr 6 production. Well done! |
Wanyi – 4LD Performing Arts Excellence For excellence when playing different instruments, and helping others to play along with the class. |
Oscar – 4CR Japanese Excellence For your impressive progress in Japanese class! Good work! |
Omar – 5PG Performing Arts Working Together For great working together with all class members writing and rehearsing Drama skits. |
Oliver – 5EW Japanese Excellence For your dedication in Japanese class! Well-deserved! |
Morgan – 6SM Performing Arts Excellence For always giving 100% in production rehearsals and performing with energy and enthusiasm. |
Ishin – 6FW Japanese Excellence For great job putting in the effort in Japanese class! |
This term the Year 3’s have been learning about Sustainablity and Natural Resources. Students have been investigating how local Indigious people used the land around Oakleigh South to build shelters, hunt, and gather food for survival. Children have been learning to identify some of the trees and plants that would have been used for medicine, food and constuction such as Eucalyptus, Banksia and Casuarina She-Oak trees. As part of this unit of work, students have been developing their understanding of what it means to be Sustainable, discovering where Natural Resources come from and learning how these resources are used in our lives today.
Gratitude: We are thankful for the dads, step-dads and grandfathers in our lives and wish them a very Happy Father’s Day!
Empathy: We try our best to be kind and caring towards each other at school to make sure everyone is feeling okay.
Mindfulness: While walking around school, we have been stopping to notice the blossoms on the tress and little insects that help pollinate our fruits and vegetables.
The Year 3’s have been learning about Empathy by exploring emotions and discussing how people feel in different situations. Students created their own Superhero to demonstrate their understanding of how we all have the power to help others.
It’s the Japanese Department’s turn to share some exciting updates with you. We have had a busy and vibrant term filled with cultural activities, competitions, and special events that have brought our school community closer to the rich traditions of Japan. Here is a look at what we have been up to:
This term, our school was filled with excitement as we celebrated Japanese Matsuri Day! Students and staff embraced the spirit of the day by dressing up in traditional Japanese attire, bringing vibrant colours and culture to our school. It was wonderful to see everyone participating with such enthusiasm!
In addition to the festivities, we also held an Origami competition. The creativity and skill displayed by our students were truly impressive. Congratulations to all who took part and showcased their incredible origami talents!
We had the pleasure of hosting students from Tamba Higashi Primary School as part of our Japanese exchange program. For 9 days, our guests immersed themselves in our school community, learning and sharing experiences with us. It was a memorable exchange, and we are grateful to everyone who made it possible.
A special thank you goes to our host families for welcoming the Japanese students into their homes: McKeown family, Lahiri family, Peeters family, Sheppard family, Casale family and Wickramasinghe family. Your hospitality and kindness have made this exchange an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Jyu Jyu, a Japanese Restaurant in Clayton for providing delicious obento lunches for our staff. Your generous support added a special touch to our week, and we are truly grateful for your continued partnership.
We are thrilled to announce that our Year 6 students, Rosy and Haaniya, achieved 1st place in a recent Japanese speech contest! Their hard work and dedication have paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of their outstanding achievement. Congratulations to both Rosy and Haaniya for representing our school with such excellence!
This term, we also had the pleasure of hosting an incursion at our school in collaboration with the Association of New Elderly. A huge thank you to Lana’s parents, Mika and Scott, for organising this wonderful event. It was a great success!
Members of the Association taught our students how to play Fukuwarai, a traditional Japanese game. Since Year 6 has been learning about anime and manga this term, they put a unique twist on the traditional game by incorporating these elements into it. The students had an absolutely wonderful time, and it was a fantastic learning experience for everyone involved!
Lastly, we are excited to welcome two new teachers to our school community: Clara and Lisa. Clara Sensei will be teaching Prep and Year 1 from Monday to Wednesday and Lisa Sensei will be teaching Year 1 and 2 Thursday and Friday. We are confident that they will bring fresh ideas and energy to our classrooms, and we look forward to the positive impact they will have on our students. Welcome aboard, Cara Sensei and Lisa Sensei!
The remaining OSPS branded scarves and beanies are again available for purchase online.
Please note these will no longer be available for purchase in the uniform shop. The scarves are $24, and the beanies are $18.50. We ask if you do order, that you please clearly label your items.
Please see Compass for the link to order.
If you have any questions, please contact Parent Group on osparentgroup67@gmail.com
Disclaimer: The organisations advertised in this newsletter are not affiliated with and have no relationship to Oakleigh South Primary School. The publishing of these advertisements does not imply endorsement or recommendation of these products or services by the school. They are provided as a community service.