On Thursday, 29 August and Friday, 30 August, Parent Group will be hosting our annual Father’s Day & Special Person stall. A roster will be issued closer to the event so parents and carers know what day their child’s class will be attending. We would also like to ask that on their allocated day, all children are sent to school with a shopping bag for their purchases.
As with all of our events, they would not be possible without volunteers. Therefore, we ask if you have availability to help on either day that you, please add your name to the roster via the link below.
Volunteer Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E9GKk6We-81UsfbfDNwROHobDrsKPYX0KW6EeNoc314/edit?usp=sharing
If you have any questions, please direct them to Parent Group at osparentgroup67@gmail.com