At Oakleigh South Primary School, Prep is a fun and interactive year combining formal learning with integrated units and special theme days. We are dedicated to providing students with engaging activities that develop their individuality. We share our love of learning and are focused on celebrating all students’ learning successes.
Welcome to our Prep classroom, where early literacy is the cornerstone of our curriculum. In this crucial year, we focus on building a strong foundation in letter sound knowledge, which is essential for decoding words, fostering comprehension, and developing confident readers.
Students engage in activities that reinforce their understanding of how letters form sounds and words, enabling them to decode text with increasing accuracy. This knowledge supports their comprehension skills, allowing them to understand and enjoy the stories they read.
Writing is another key focus in our Prep classroom. We guide students through the basics of sentence structure, helping them to form simple, meaningful sentences. Spelling instruction is integrated into daily lessons, encouraging students to apply their letter sound knowledge as they begin to write words and sentences independently.
By the end of the year, our students have increased their confidence and made great strides in reading and writing.
In our Prep classroom, we continually enhance our counting skills while also exploring a broad range of topics in number, measurement, and statistics. Our approach includes the use of concrete materials and hands-on activities, which are vital in supporting and extending students’ understanding across all mathematical concepts. These interactive tools help students grasp abstract ideas through tangible experiences.
To further enrich our mathematics program, we integrate engaging educational programs like Mathletics, Maths Seeds, and Maths Invaders. These platforms not only reinforce classroom learning but also provide opportunities for students to practice and advance their skills at home, fostering a love for mathematics that extends beyond the school day.
Here at OSPS, we place a strong emphasis on nurturing students’ interpersonal skills, which are crucial for their overall development and independence. Through a variety of programs and activities, students are guided to build positive relationships, develop resilience, and foster a sense of responsibility.
Students actively participate in the Resilience Project and the Four R’s program, both of which are designed to cultivate emotional intelligence, empathy, and coping strategies. The Buddy Program pairs our Foundation students with Year 4 peers, creating a supportive environment where younger students can learn from their older buddies, further promoting independence and social confidence.
Regularly structured social skills sessions allow students to practice and refine their interpersonal abilities in a safe and encouraging setting. Their achievements and progress are celebrated at our fortnightly Prep assemblies, where student successes are recognized and shared, reinforcing the value of their efforts and encouraging a strong sense of community.
Integrated Studies
Students explore the integrated topics ‘Our Classroom Community’, ‘Indigenous Culture, ‘We Are Family’ and ‘Little Einsteins’. These topics encourage students to think creatively and offer a richer understanding of the world around us.
Special Activities
Some of the special activities Prep students are involved in include:
- Easter Hat Parade
- Mother’s and Father’s Day Afternoons
- Melbourne Zoo Excursion
- 100th Day of School Celebration
- Teddy Bear Sleep Over
- Prep Swimming Program
- Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
- Fire Education
- St. John’s Ambulance
- Reptile Incursion
- Responsible Pet
- Prep to Grade One Transition
- Topic specific dress up days
Year 1
Children are exposed to a learning environment enriched through daily literacy exercises. Each morning, students are welcomed into the classroom to begin their morning reading routine, followed by scaffolded reading group sessions aimed at their individual needs. We celebrate many different genres through whole class, small group and individually-read texts. We use valuable resources to support our teaching program, such as Reading Eggs (also at home), Spelling City, Springboard into Comprehension and Yellow Box. Yellow Box is a levelled comprehension tool that focuses on developing students’ comprehension skills, in addition to their decoding strategies.
Students begin each week by completing a recount in the form of a journal, sharing their weekend activities. Throughout the year we explore a range of different text types including narratives, information reports, procedures, exposition writing and poetry. Students participate in a weekly handwriting lesson that focuses on developing strong handwriting habits, using Victorian Modern Cursive. Year 1 students are given the opportunity to progress their letter writing and communication skills through our Pen Pals program with Berwick Fields Primary School. Across all writing sessions we look at the VCOP writing approach, drawing attention to and aiming to improve students’ use of vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation.
Students are engaged in Mathematics lessons daily, covering the key curriculum areas within number, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability. We have a strong focus on hands-on activities and use many different concrete materials and manipulatives to ensure all maths learning has a strong foundation. While introducing new topics, we consistently revise and extend current knowledge to ensure all individual needs are met. To support the learning of mathematical concepts, students regularly engage in computer programs such as Maths Invaders and Mathletics (also at home).
Integrated Studies
Year 1 students are involved in a variety of fun and insightful educational activities spread over the year. We begin Term 1 with ‘Knowing Me, Knowing You’ where we look at class and whole school values and focus on building friendship skills. We then transition into the history of our families and how family life has changed over time. In Term 2 we commence our action-packed Science unit, ‘Flash, Bang, Fizz’. Students explore chemical, biological and physical sciences through a range of cool experiments. During Term 3 we hone in on ‘Our Island Home’ and study all things Australian. An emphasis is placed on the traditions and celebrations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. We concluded our integrated studies with our Term 4 extravaganza, ‘Where in the World is Carmen Kookaburra?’. Students follow Carmen to each of the seven continents. As the year draws to a close, we learn about the different Christmas celebrations from all around the world.
Information, Communication and Technologies (ICT)
Every child has access to a fully equipped computer lab within the Year 1 learning space and around the school. These labs are used to develop students’ capabilities with Microsoft Office programs such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Students also build their ICT skills by using the intranet to access computer programs such as Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Spelling City. In Term 4, students are excited to learn how to use digital cameras and import their photos in to Windows Live Movie Maker to create their own short movies.
Specialist Subjects
Students learn the specialist subjects of Japanese, Sport, Music and Art on a weekly basis. Dedicated teachers provide the children with specific and engaging activities, often relevant to the integrated studies topics being taught in classrooms.
Special Activities
Special Year 1 events and activities that occur throughout the year include:
- Easter Hat Parade
- Dress up days
- Grandparent’s Day
- Year 1 Swimming Program
- Sapphire Care community program
- Incursions and excursions, specific to integrated programs
- Buddy Program (Students catch up with their Year 5 Buddies each term, engaging in fun and developmental activities.)
Year 2
Our school day begins at 8.45 with our Shared Reading Program where parents are encouraged to join us in the classroom and assist by listening to and sharing the children’s Take Home Reading Books.
Children then participate in daily structured reading activities to develop their reading skills covered through Literacy groups and whole class sessions. These include comprehension tasks– literal and inferential, guided reading, Reading Eggspress Program, SRA, literacy program, library, accelerated reader and specific reading strategy tasks.
Students participate in daily writing tasks in which they are taught and develop the structure, style and language of the different writing genres. These include narratives, recounts, expositions, explanations/descriptions, poetry and information reports. The whole school approach to writing is that of VCOP in which the student’s vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation skills are progressively developed. Handwriting and presentation of work is also a major focus in which we teach correct letter formation, fluent style and develop the children’s pride in their work.
Children progress through a structured spelling program – reading Eggspress and single word spelling tests aimed at improving their spelling of familiar and unfamiliar words, develop their word attack strategies and teach them the use of a dictionary and thesaurus.
Speaking and Listening
The basic listening skills of eye contact, focussing and active listening are taught and constantly reinforced through daily activities and structured speaking and listening tasks.
The Grade 2 Production is the major component of this curriculum area in which the children’s speech, expression and overall confidence is highly developed as they work towards the culmination of major stage performances presented to a large, live audience.
Students are engaged in daily mathematics sessions covering the key curriculum areas of number, statistics and probability and measurement. These sessions are aimed at teaching the basics of mathematics through many practical and written activities developing the children’s understanding of mathematical concepts and the use of mathematics in everyday life. Within this, the children are challenged to extend this understanding to solve problems. The automatic response of number facts and mathematical tables is also a major focus. These are developed through maths challenges, games and activities.
The computer programs of Maths Invaders and Mathletics are a major component of the children’s mathematical learning and each child participates in these on a structured regular basis.
Writing and Maths Groups
The areas of Mathematics and Writing are further enhanced by twice weekly differentiated Maths and Writing Groups in which the children’s skills are further developed, reinforced and extended in small group structures specifically catering for each individual child.
Integrated Studies
Students focus on major topics each term throughout the year – Getting Along and Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Water Water Everywhere, Make It Move It (machines and toys) and Home Among The Gum Trees (Our Home Australia).
Grade 2 Production
A major event is our Grade 2 Production in which every child participates and has an important role. This is an integral part of the children’s performing arts and speaking and listening curriculum. It is wonderful to see the children’s confidence and ability in singing, acting, dancing and expressive speaking develop throughout the year culminating in nightly performances in magnificent costumes on stage with lighting and sound.
Children participate in regular Fitness sessions to develop their Fundamental Motor Skills and endurance. This improves the children’s overall fitness and stimulates their minds to learn more effectively.
Swimming Program
As an important part of our Physical Education program the children participate in an intensive swimming program at our local aquatic centre.
Students have access to fully equipped computer labs throughout the school and a set of computers within each classroom. Computer skills develop competently with extensive use of the computers for research, presentation and learning programs.
Specialist Subjects
The Specialist subjects of music, art, Japanese and physical education are taught by a band of dedicated teachers and children are involved in at least one session of these each week.
Year 3
Sustainable Village
The Year 3 children spend their year in the sustainable village where, aside from the core subjects of maths and English and a range of specialist subjects (Japanese, art, music and PE), learning centres around sustainability – looking after themselves, the village animals and the environment.
Each year in February the year 3 classes hatch chickens. Some of these are kept and raised in the village. By July the year 3’s have their own free range eggs which they use in their cooking sessions along with available garden produce. Produce is also eaten raw direct form the garden or cooked out under the covered way to be eaten in class time.
Baby Animals
In term 3 ( and if available) the year 3’s adopt a ‘baby’ animal for the term. Animals to date have included Curlee – the sheep – a long term resident, Mary and Lambie (also sheep – 2014) , Puddles and Ginger – baby pigs ( 2015). Amsden the guide dog puppy from Guide Dogs Victoria and Chester (2016), Chessie ( 2017) and Usji ( 2018) – calves from Chesterfield Farm.
Worm Farms
The village has 10 worm farms and as many compost bins – food scraps are collected and sorted between the bins and the village animals on a daily basis. Worm ‘tea’ is collected and used as liquid fertilser on the vegietable gardens
Fitness & Farming
Each morning the year 3s go out for running and fitness games and then just before recess they have fruit time in the classroom. Each week 3 ‘ farmers’ from each class stay back from fitness to take on village responsibilities – working in the garden and looking after the animals.
Waste Free Wednesday
The village also encourages Waste Free Wednesdays ( no wrappers in lunchboxes ) and always encourage minimum waste.
Year 4
In Year 4, Literacy takes many shapes and forms. Twice weekly, students work in Writing Groups with peers of similar ability, emphasising the VCOP principles: improving writing through powerful punctuation, using descriptive vocabulary, interesting openers, and a variety of connectives. Writing is also a significant classroom focus, with an emphasis on the mechanics of handwriting as well as learning the tools of sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. Throughout Year 4, students are exposed to writing a variety of text types, including narratives, poetry, persuasive texts, explanations, information reports, recounts, and procedures. Pen Licences are eagerly awaited rewards for students who display neat and organised bookwork and an even and neat cursive handwriting style.
In Reading groups, students refine their comprehension strategies by reading texts that target specific skills and cater to their individual levels of understanding. Class Literacy occurs daily and is supported by the Accelerated Reading Program. At Oakleigh South, daily reading is an expectation. Students borrow books at their individual levels from the library, read them, and take quizzes to assess their comprehension. Each student works towards earning points to reach their personal reading goal. The MyOn online book reading program provides access to up to 5000 books, ensuring that every student can find something of interest.
At Oakleigh South Primary School, we use the SMART Spelling program to ensure our Year 4 students develop strong spelling skills. This program provides a structured and multi-sensory method to spelling instruction that is both engaging and effective. Each week, our students focus on a specific spelling pattern or rule, breaking down words into syllables, sounds, and letter patterns. This systematic approach helps students understand the structure and spelling of words. Our teaching methods include explicit instruction, interactive activities, and regular practice through dictation, word sorts, and sentence writing. The program also emphasises vocabulary development by teaching the meanings of words before breaking them into their components.
Speaking and Listening
Speaking and Listening helps students become confident and effective communicators. Through a variety of fun and interactive activities, students learn to express their ideas clearly and listen attentively to others. They practice using the right words for different situations and audiences, enhancing their ability to share thoughts, ask questions, and give feedback. Whether it’s through group work, presentations, or class discussions, our aim is to build their confidence and skills in speaking and listening, setting them up for success in all areas of life.
In Year 4, we provide a comprehensive and engaging approach to Mathematics that students experience daily. Our curriculum covers three key areas: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. We tailor our lessons to meet individual needs, helping students progress from concrete, hands-on learning to developing the ability to think more abstractly and solve problems mentally.
To support this growth, we use exciting tools like Mathletics, Essential Assessment and Maths Invaders, which involve daily computer-based activities that make learning maths fun and interactive. Additionally, we hold twice-weekly Maths Groups, where students work in ability groups across the Year 4 classes. These sessions offer targeted teaching and allow for more personalised instruction, ensuring that every student receives the support they need to excel in Mathematics.
The music teachers and Year 4 Team combine forces to produce a yearly Grade 4 Production. In 2023, our students performed in ‘Splash,’ and in 2024 they performed ‘Gladis Baker Gladiator.’ The production is a major focus during Term Two. Parent support is terrific, with a group of volunteers creating amazing costumes and makeup for the night. The productions are a popular night out for the school community, and the quality of the performance is extraordinary for students of this age. We have so much fun!
Each Year 4 student is paired with a Prep child to help them transition smoothly into school life. Once the Prep children have settled into their new surroundings, they are introduced to their Year 4 Buddies. This pairing allows the Year 4 students to step into the role of older ‘siblings,’ providing guidance and companionship to their younger peers.
The Buddies program is filled with fun and engaging activities that both age groups look forward to. They participate in classroom activities together, share lunch, and enjoy each other’s company during various school events. One of the most exciting projects is when the Year 4 students create personalised picture storybooks for their Prep Buddies, which are always a big hit!
These interactions foster a sense of community and build lasting friendships. The students love spending time together, and the memories they create are cherished by both the older and younger children. The Buddies program is a highlight of the school year, filled with laughter, learning, and lots of fun.
Integrated Studies
Geography: ‘Australia and Its Neighbours’
Students explore the diverse landscapes and cultural heritage of contemporary Australia. They learn about the country’s representation as states and territories and as Countries/Places of First Nations Australians prior to colonisation. This unit also covers the geographic locations of Australia’s neighbouring regions and countries, fostering a broader understanding of our place in the world.
Students explore the similarities and differences between various places in Australia and its neighbouring countries, examining their natural, managed, and constructed features. This comparative study helps students appreciate the unique characteristics and shared aspects of different environments.
A highlight of this unit is our exciting excursion to the MCG and Eureka Tower. This trip provides students with a firsthand experience of significant landmarks, enhancing their understanding of Australia’s geography and its cultural and historical context.
History: ‘First Nations People’
Students delve into the rich diversity and heritage of Australia’s first peoples. They explore the enduring connection that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have to their Country/Place, encompassing the land, sea, waterways, and skies. Through this unit, students gain a deeper appreciation of the cultural and spiritual significance of these connections.
Students also examine the historical interactions between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and other groups, such as the Macassans and Europeans. They study the nature of these contacts and their profound effects on families, communities, and the environment. This exploration helps students understand the complex and often challenging history of these interactions, fostering a greater respect for the resilience and strength of First Nations cultures.
Physical Sciences: ‘Adventures in Motion’
Students explore the fascinating world of forces and motion. They learn how forces can be exerted by one object on another and investigate the effects of frictional, gravitational, and magnetic forces on the movement of objects. This hands-on approach helps students grasp the fundamental principles of physics in an engaging and practical manner.
A highlight of this unit is our Craft Power incursion, where students have the exciting opportunity to design and create their own Formula One car. This activity not only reinforces their understanding of forces and motion but also fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. Through building and testing their cars, students apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-world context, making the learning experience both fun and memorable.
Year 5
Students work in a differentiated learning environment to enhance and develop their individuality and celebrate their success.
Year 5 students engage in activities designed to enhance their reading comprehension skills. They concentrate on specific strategies tailored to their individual levels as part of small focused groups reading with the teacher and Literacy Rotations. Programs like Accelerated Reader, MyON, CARS & STARS, and SRA are utilized to support their progress. The students also explore a diverse range of text types to strengthen both their literal and inferential comprehension abilities.
Our students participate in differentiated writing groups tailored to meet their individual needs and help them develop essential writing skills. They explore a variety of writing genres, including narrative, exposition, information reports, procedural writing, poetry, and explanations. Throughout the process, students are guided in planning, organising, composing, editing, and publishing their work, with particular attention to punctuation and spelling. These skills are further reinforced through regular classroom writing sessions, complemented by a dedicated weekly grammar lesson.
Speaking and Listening
Our students actively engage in classroom discussions, respond to texts, and present projects and reports to their peers. They are encouraged to speak clearly, use eye contact, vary their tone, and maintain excellent posture to effectively engage their audience. Organisation in delivery is also emphasised. In Year 5, students take on additional responsibilities by preparing and presenting leadership speeches to their classmates.
Students participate in bi-weekly differentiated Maths Groups to develop their mathematical skills specifically catering to individual needs. Students develop an understanding of mathematical concepts, and are able to pose and solve problems in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Topic investigations are also a highlight for students. Our Essential Assessment digital platform tracks student progress and sets tasks for students to complete and meet learning goals in mathematics. They complete Mathletics tasks at school and at home, as well as Maths Invaders to improve their number sense and fluency. A small group of our Year 5 students work with Mr. Kuruc from South Oakleigh Secondary College where they are extended and challenged.
Integrated Studies
The Integrated Studies units merge all the core learning areas of the curriculum through Humanities and Science these include: Geography (Natural Disasters) Science (Adaptations), Civics and Citizenship (Who Am I), History (Australian History in the 1800s). Students complete response tasks in the form of set projects both at home and at school. Features of Design Thinking and Critical Thinking are both explored and applied comprehensively throughout the Integrated Studies program.
In March, the Year Five children sit NAPLAN Assessments in the areas of Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Language Conventions.
Homework is a key part of the Year 5 curriculum at Oakleigh South Primary School, carefully designed to reinforce the skills and knowledge your child is building in class. These tasks are strategically selected to help students practice and apply what they’ve learned, deepening their understanding and solidifying their academic foundation.
Here’s what’s expected each week:
Mathletics Program: Your child is encouraged to participate in the Mathletics Program each week, with a goal of reaching at least 1,000 points by the week’s end. This platform offers a fun and interactive way to strengthen their math skills, complementing what they’re learning in the classroom.
Spelling Practice: Completing the weekly spelling worksheet is essential for your child’s language development. This task is designed to reinforce their understanding of word patterns and enhance their ability to spell accurately. Regular engagement with these exercises helps expand vocabulary, solidifies spelling proficiency, and supports overall literacy skills, ensuring your child becomes a confident and capable reader and writer.
Maths Worksheet: A double-sided maths worksheet needs to be completed each week. This activity is important for reinforcing concepts covered in class and for providing regular practice with problem-solving techniques.
Reading: Your child is expected to read for an average of 20+ minutes each night to meet their Accelerated Reader (AR) target. This consistent reading practice is crucial for enhancing literacy skills and cultivating a lifelong love of reading.
Students are expected to complete all tasks and submit their homework books weekly, along with updating a chart to monitor their Mathletics progress. This practice fosters responsibility, time management, and independent learning.
These tasks are more than just homework; they are key to building your child’s future success. By completing them, your child is developing the skills needed to excel academically and beyond.
Victorian State School Spectacular
Each year, around twenty Year 5 students have the opportunity to be part of the Victorian State Schools Spectacular, as part of the Mass Choir and Mass Dance. This is held in September at Hisense Arena, with over 3000 Victorian state school children participating. The event is also televised.
Camp Peninsula Outdoors
In Term 4 each year, our Year 5 students attend Peninsula Outdoors Camp, near the beach. This exciting camp experience includes water-based activity programs that explore the natural environment and develop leadership, teamwork and initiative skills in our students.
Peninsula Outdoors is near Point Leo on the Mornington Peninsula, approximately an hour’s drive from OSPS. Students are involved in many exciting water-based activities such as surfing, stand-up paddle boarding, canoeing, aqua challenge, beach activities, bike skills and kite making.
Students engage in regular fitness activities and have opportunities throughout the year to participate in House Swimming, Cross Country, and Athletics events. They also have the chance to compete at District, Division, Region, and State levels. Additionally, Year 5 students learn the skills and rules involved in interschool sports within the Bentleigh District, across various summer and winter competitions. The students take part in a five-day Swimming and Fitness Program at GESAC.
South Oakleigh College
Our strong affiliation with the College has allowed the Year 5s to participate in rotations, introducing them to new experiences and opportunities. During this program, the children have the chance to learn in a secondary school setting. They participate in a Biology lesson, an Art session and spend time in a working TV Studio and Small Lab, and also learn about the different muscles used in a sport and movement session in the school gymnasium.
Leadership Day at South Oakleigh College
Year fives spend a day learning about what it takes to make a good leader. They spend a fun filled day with activities that reinforce the characteristics of a good leader and team player. The children also have a BBQ lunch on the day. The children are also involved in a Media Studies session at the college where they have the opportunity to use real filming, cameras, lights and sound equipment to record and film a talent show.
Leadership Positions
In Term 4, The children have the opportunity to nominate themselves for a Leadership position for the following year, as a Year 6 student. The process for this is to write and present a Speech, which is then presented in front of their House cohort from both Years 4 and 5. Students then vote to elect House Captains and Vice Captains.
Year 6
Year 6 is something to look forward to and a highlight of a students schooling. We have engaging and interesting units of study including: Science, Economics, Gallipoli, Polar Regions and Government and Citizenship. Such units help our students gain a broader understanding of the world they live in and help set them up for further study in high school. Several activities are planned to coincide with study. Remembrance Day, Colour and Chemistry experiments, major project presentations and of course our very popular year 6 camp!
During the year all children are involved in the yearly production. Children work towards their casting and singing auditions in Term 1 and production rehearsals in Term 2 and 3. This is a major highlight of the year and the benefits that can be seen post production are enormous. Speaking and listening skills improve as does confidence and expression. This is a must see! Our school wouldn’t be complete without our specialists. Our Art, Music, Sport and Japanese teachers all do a great job to ensure our children are well rounded and that each of their individual interests are met. We have continually performed well on the sporting field due to the huge efforts of our students and teachers. Children have the opportunity to choose a summer and winter sport, participate in swimming, X-country and athletics. Interschool sport is a great way to promote our strong values that we have at Oakleigh South and develop our future leaders at the school.
Integrated Unit
Our integrated units in Year 6 are engaging, interesting and full of challenging activities. We cover a broad range of topics: Economics, Government, Gallipoli, Science and Polar Regions. Our work on integrated units is always displayed throughout the school so if you have the chance please come through and look at the students wonderful work.
Interschool Sport
Interschool Sport in year 6 is a busy yet fun experience. The year begins with swimming. Each year Miss. Wells coordinates the swim squad in preparation for district titles. We perform well with students always progressing to the next level. Also starting in Term 1, students experience Summer competitions against other schools in the Bentleigh District with the chance to move onto division titles if successful. House X-Country ends Term 1. We have had great success with our X-Country and Athletics Squads winning district shields for a number of years and even having students represent the school at state level. There is a weekly running group for students to prepare for X-Country and countless hours spent at lunchtimes by teachers coaching Athletics and respective teams.
Specialist Programs
The Year 6’s participate in range of specialist programs including Music, P.E, Art and Japanese. In Music, the year 6’s will practise songs and lines for their production. A lot of effort is put into this and the students are very excited. In Art, the grade 6’s take part in drawing and painting production themed Stain Glass Windows. They learn how to tone, add shades and make their drawings look realistic. In P.E, students practise their sport and team work skills by playing multiple games such as European Handball, Murray’s Game (dodge ball) and so on. In Japanese, the students learn about the Japanese culture. They translate Japanese text to English, which assists them in learning new words. Our specialists do a wonderful job and have their fantastic work and student’s talent displayed throughout the school. Come and have a look!
School Production
The Senior School Production is a main highlight of Year 6. Every child has the opportunity to audition for any role, and there is a huge focus on speaking, singing and dancing. Months of hard work from students, teachers, and parents culminate into a musical production of extremely high quality! Our shows are performed in the second last week of Term 3 in our own hall (completely set up with our own sound and lighting system) Well worth coming to see!
Production Pages Click Here
Year 6 Camp
In year 6 we have headed off to a very exciting camp where the children engage in many amazing activities and experiences. Information about when and where the camp is held will be distributed to parents earlier in the year.
Year 6 Graduation
It seems that a very special occasion for each of our year sixes is their Graduation ceremony. It is a night of formal dressing and photos being snapped from all directions. The evening begins with a “sit down” dinner for students and staff. Year five parents happily organise and serve a lovely meal before the formalities begin. Both the dining room and school hall are decorated by the year six parents to create a most exciting atmosphere, and an evening to remember. Along with academic awards and speeches from our principal, the school president and year six teachers; each student is required to write and deliver a short speech. As a group, the year sixes perform a number of “graduation songs”; and finish the night with some formal dancing where they have the opportunity to dance with their parents. For many families, this occasion is a final farewell to Oakleigh South and therefore can be quite emotional.
Our approach to teaching Japanese is based on fun learning and the students have experienced a wide range of activities such as songs, games, speaking sessions, reading quizzes, cooking, worksheets, cultural demonstrations, writing hiragana, origami, artistic expression, listening games and communication activities.
Prep, Year 1, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6 have Japanese for 50 minutes a week whereas Year 2 and Year 5 have Japanese for 100 minutes a week at O.S.P.S!!
Year 2 and Year 5 ILPIC Program
This year the Year 2 and Year 5 students are engaging in the Innovative Language Provision in Clusters (ILPIC) initiative.
It aims to increase student engagement in learning Japanese while identifying and sharing innovative use of technologies (computers, iPads and flip cameras), interactive games and software to increase the opportunities for and interest in language learning. The ILPIC sessions go for 100 minutes per week.
The Year 2 children learn with topics such as colours, likes and dislikes, animals, food etc.
The Year 5 children learn with topics such as hiragana (Japanese writing), self-introductions and about family.
Mami Sensei’s WikiPage
Students often use Mami Sensei’s WikiPage to engage in individual, partner and group activities. The children learn to navigate and access various Japanese internet resources. Some resources include colour matching tasks, a katakana name translation site, Kids Web Japan link as well as interactive games and research based websites.
Click here to visit Mami Sensei’s WikiPage
Overseas Trip
A small group of grade 6 students is chosen to visit out sister school in Japan during term 1. They also come and visit us.
Past Events and Achievements
- Hosting Japanese Students
- Innovative Languages provision in Clusters (ILPIC ) Click here for more!
- The Victorian Language Assistants Program
- Matsuri Week
- Skype sessions with Tanba Higashi Primary School, Hyogo
- Sushi Stall at the Oakleigh South Primary School Fete
Performing Arts
Oakleigh South Primary School is committed to creating an understanding of and interest in the performing arts to all our students and providing it in an enriching and enjoyable environment. We do that through Dance, Music and Theatre. Our year 2, 4 and 6 Musical Productions are outstanding displays of student talent.
PE & Sport
The Physical Education and Sport program at Oakleigh South Primary School encompasses fitness, skills, movement, dance, games, aquatics, recreation and sport. It aims to develop resilience, respect, relationships and respect in all children.
The teaching of Sustainability related concepts at Oakleigh South Primary School begins in the early years, however in year 3 when the children spend the entire year in “The Village” sustainability becomes a major focus
Visual Arts
Digital Technologies and Robotics Program
Empowering Future Innovators
At Oakleigh South Primary School, we believe in preparing our students for the future by equipping them with essential skills in digital technologies and robotics. Our comprehensive program is designed to inspire creativity, foster critical thinking, and develop problem-solving abilities in a fun and engaging environment.
What do we do in Digital technologies classes?
Interactive Learning: Our program offers hands-on experiences with the latest digital tools and robotics kits, allowing students to explore and experiment with technology in a practical setting.
Collaborative Projects: Students work together on exciting projects, enhancing their teamwork and communication skills while tackling real-world challenges. Online Collaborative Learning spaces such as Minecraft Education are also introduced to students in our middle to upper years.
Expert Guidance: Our dedicated teachers are passionate about technology and committed to providing high-quality education. They stay updated with the latest trends and advancements to bring the best learning experiences to our students.
Program Highlights
Robotics and Engineering: Students learn to design, build, and program robots, gaining valuable insights into engineering and computer science. Students are exposed to digital hardware such as BeeBot, Ozobot, Lego WeDo and Spike, Sphero, Makey Makey and 3D printing, from Prep through to Year 6.
Coding and Computational Thinking: From basic programming concepts to advanced coding languages, students are exposed to block coding concepts through programs such as code.org and Scratch 3, and more advanced concepts such as JavaScripting and Python in Year 6.
Digital Literacy: We emphasise the importance of safe and responsible use of technology, teaching students how to navigate the digital world confidently and ethically. Our school’s PASS program was developed by Oakleigh South Primary School to teach students the importance of being Positive, Alert, Secure and Smart whilst online.
Robotics Competitions: Oakleigh South Primary School is proud to participate in annual RoboCup tournaments. Our students have excelled in various categories, showcasing their skills in designing, building, and programming robots. In recent competitions, our teams have achieved remarkable results:
- Regional, Victorian State, and National Tournaments: Our students competed in challenges such as Riley Rescue, Primary Rescue, and OnStage Dance, earning top positions and accolades.
- Team Achievements: Highlights include 1st place in Riley Rover in and Primary Rescue at the regional level, and impressive performances at the state and national levels.
- Community Support: We are grateful for the support of our teachers, parents, and community members who contribute their expertise and time to help our students succeed.
Design Thinking Challenges: Our program includes various competitions and challenges that encourage students to think creatively and apply their knowledge in innovative ways. A consistent element of our teaching includes a focus on the Design Thinking process when solving problems.